It's a new semester - and that means a new show schedule! We've got plenty of DJs with plenty of music to share this semester, and we are excited to keep broadcasting Radio for Everyone
Next - a slightly delayed thank you to all of our Radiothon supporters from Fall 2020! We were shocked by the degree of support our radio station received, and are truly appreciative of the fantastic group of listeners our station is able to serve. Thanks to you, we will be able to keep broadcasting the best music in the world to the New River Valley and our listeners who stream from home.
Radiothon premiums may be picked up at the hours found here until February 17th, after which point they may be picked up by appointment.
Lastly, keep an eye out for communications about our upcoming Organizational Meeting (orgy, if you will), during which we will be sharing information on how to become involved with the best radio station on Earth. This Orgy will have plenty of cool updates on new developments and projects within our staffs, so be sure to be there! Date and link coming soon.
Radiothon starts tomorrow!! (Click Read More for the schedule)
Alongside 24/7 on air DJs, we have brand new premiums with designs from our super talented art staff! All of the money donated during Radiothon goes straight to the station so we can keep providing you with the radio you love. The premium pricing is the following:
And after a semester off, we are back! Starting Monday, October 26th through Sunday, November 1st, The Greatest Radio Station in the World will be celebrating Radiothon! DJs and staffheads will play themed shows for 24 hours a day (with some remote due to COVID19) Make sure to stay tuned for this semester's premiums!
As always thank you for your support of the station and stay safe!
Interested in college radio? On Monday, September 21st at 7pm WUVT will be hosting its Fall Orgy (organizational meeting), but for the first time in history, it'll be virtual. Click on this link to get to the Zoom!. See you then!