A Coronavirus Update

written by Justin Louie on

As Virginia Tech and Blacksburg change gears in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we at WUVT wanted to thank you, our loyal listeners, as we navigate the choppy and already very memorable 2020 spring semester.

First, please remember that WUVT is a student-run radio station. We depend on the talents and time of our student DJs to run the boards and play the music. WIth a serious drop in students in Blacksburg, along with recommended safety guidelines, we are going to be relying on automation more than we'd like. While we remain committed to keeping our airwaves and your radios filled, we must refrain from putting our staff at risk. Our health, both physically and mentally, and our studies, come first.

Secondly, wIth all this in mind, we are unfortunately cancelling this semester's Radiothon. In the face of our community's crisis, and with our lack of staff, we know half a Radiothon is just not good enough. Our "Donate" button is always active, but we know that this pandemic is going to involve economic challenges for many. Focus on your families and your local communities. We ask that you spend the dollars you would've donated to this spring's Radiothon on your local restaurants, markets, and bookstores. Get that extra gift certificate. Delivery is your friend. Tip hard, tip often. Just remember us this fall, after everything settles back down!

Again, we thank you for your ears, your hearts, and your minds. Stay safe, wash your hands, and never stop listening to the Greatest Radio Station in the World.

Last Call on Premiums! - Fall 2019

written by Justin Louie on

Hey WUVT listeners: thanks again for donating during Radiothon last semester! Your never-ending support of the station allows us to broadcast groovy tunes throughout the New River Valley and beyond!

If you haven't picked up your Fall 2019 premiums, they will be available until next Monday, February 17th. Check out our office hours to find out when you can pick up your premiums!

Last but not least, our Spring Orgy is on Wednesday, 2/12, in Johnston Student Center Room 102 at 7pm! Check out how you can get involved at the Greatest Radio Station in the World!

Spring Orgy 2020!

written by Justin Louie on

Spring 2020 WUVT Orgy Poster

Listen up, friends of college radio! Virginia Tech's student-run radio station is looking for new members to keep the Greatest Radio Station in the World up and running! Come down to our Orgy in Johnston Student Center, Room 102 at 7pm on Wednesday, February 12th!

We have lots of different opportunities at WUVT to get involved, from being an on-air DJ, to joining our art (who design our really cool posters!), engineering, or News staff! There is something for everybody, so we hope to see you on the 12th!!

Fall 2019 Premiums Ready for Pickup

written by Justin Louie on

Fall 2019 Randome WUVT Pic

Woohoo! Thank you showing your support during Radiothon this past semester, and moving us closer to completing the WUVT Needs Boards Project. It is your support that keeps our station up and running year after year. It's time to pick up those premiums!

Stop by our office hours (10am to 5pm) on weekdays between now and Thursday, December 19th. If you can't make it, no worries! Our office will reopen on Monday, January 6th.

If you requested for the premiums to be shipped to you, they are on their way shortly!

Thank you again for donating, and we hope you have a healthy and safe holiday season!

Premiums for Radiothon!

written by Justin Louie on

Radiothon starts tonight at midnight! Check out this semesters' premiums that you can get by donating to WUVT!

Fall 2019 WUVT Premiums

That's right! This semester's list includes lighters, bandanas, and even WUVT socks (from our very own Art Staff!) Click here for more info on the premiums!

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