WUVT Genre Survey

written by Bryce Roper on

The 2021 Genre Survey is now closed, thank you all for your input! Keep an eye out for updates from the staff on how our schedule will look moving forward

WUVT wants to hear from YOU (yes, you!)

In honor of the first Spring of the first year of a new decade, WUVT's staff has decided to seek public input on what we play on the air. We want to hear your input on the music we play, as well as maybe your input on music we dont play, but should. WUVT's mission is to promote education, understanding, and diversity of music while serving the community as an independent, not-for-profit, student-run radio station. Our goal to provide diverse, eclectic, and educational programming makes us a truly unique organization. The vast majority of music played on WUVT cannot be heard anywhere else on your radio dial.

This survey is designed to help us ensure that we are providing that diversity of music, and that the music we play is fresh and relevant to the community. It's important that we give you the music you cant hear anywhere else - so tell us what that is!

click read more to be redirected to the survey, or click "genre survey" under "community" on the sidebar

Thank you for a fantastic radiothon!

written by Bryce Roper on

Dear Listeners,

It's been a little over 10 days since our Spring radiothon ended, and we in the WUVT staff want to thank you for your extremely generous support! It's listeners and donors like those we see during Radiothon that allow WUVT to remain a facet of the community that highlights local artists, welcomes members of the community to DJ, and provides fresh, unique music to the NRV and beyond. This year, we saw an above-average outpouring of support, and are excited to develop the station as far as this year's fundraising will allow us.

If you donated, keep an eye out for a post on the distribution of your premiums!


Spring 2021 Premiums Revealed!

written by Bryce Roper on

Radiothon is here in less than 3 hours!

As always, there will be 24/7 live DJing, but as always that comes with some delectable new premium designs. All money donated during radiothon goes directly to the station, so we can update our studios, keep our equipment fresh, and stay broadcasting the best music around to the NRV and beyond. The list of premiums is below:

$5: Sticker

$10: Keychain

$35: Tote

$65: T-Shirt

$125: Water Bottle

$200: Bucket Hat

$500: Tapestry

$907: Custom Wood Burning Art

Spring 2021 Premiums

WUVT Wishlist Update & Genre Survey

written by Bryce Roper on

Hello, dear listeners!

With radiothon here, the WUVT staff has updated our IT wish list page with new items we need to keep our station running smoothly. If it interests you, we also accept donations of the specific items listed, and there are instructions on the wish list page for that.

click here to be taken to the wish list page!

Also, WUVT is currently undertaking a polling of the public about the genres highlighted by our station in an effort to see what you want more of! Complete the google form here to have your voice heard


written by Bryce Roper on


24/7 programming? New merchandise designed by our very own art staff? A chance to be a part of fundraising for the greatest radio station on earth? What more could you want!

Radiothon will be running March 29 through April 4th, with some very special shows planned by our very special DJs. Keep an eye on our home page for previews of what the premiums will look like. We will also be posting a handy overview of each day's shows and themes on the front page every day of the week.


Art by art director, Zoey Apelt

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