Spring 2020 Schedule and Fall Premiums Update!
written by Bryce Roper on
It's a new semester - and that means a new show schedule! We've got plenty of DJs with plenty of music to share this semester, and we are excited to keep broadcasting Radio for Everyone
Next - a slightly delayed thank you to all of our Radiothon supporters from Fall 2020! We were shocked by the degree of support our radio station received, and are truly appreciative of the fantastic group of listeners our station is able to serve. Thank to you, we will be able to keep broadcasting the best music in the world to the New River Valley and our listeners who stream from home.
Green Slots will have a staffhead in the office to distribute your premiums to you, if a slot is red a staff head is not available, and your premium will not be able to be picked up. If the times available do not work, send an email to gm@wuvt.vt.edu to schedule a time. This sheet will be updated regularly with new slots and is subject to change