Premiums Are In

written by Ben Kodres-O'Brien on


Your beloved premiums have arrived! If you opted for pickup, come get 'em! Your premiums will be here until December 16th. During Thanksgiving Break between November 21st and 25th, please contact Cypress Beach at to schedule a time to pick up your premiums. If you have any other questions, please contact Mari Thomas at or Andrew Barber at

Radiothon Newsletter

written by Ben Kodres-O'Brien on

Next week is Radiothon! If you'd like information about what that means, check out the newsletter here! Click "Read more" below to see the full post.


Harrison Grinnan: Recovery

written by Ben Conlon on

Harrison did not attend the meeting this week. There was much rejoicing and I was forced to trek through the realm of cyberspace to make this interview.

What is the Date?
”September 6th.” (Year not mentioned, I will note this trend over time.)

What was your favorite album of the last week?
“College dropout, Kanye West. On Sunday I had a cookout where I listened to every Kanye West album in chronological order.” (As noted above, this was not released this past week. I am getting concerned with what he’s doing with his life. Has he really missed that time is going forwards, not backwards?)


Harrison Grinnan: The Beginning of the End

written by Ben Conlon on

Harrison looks more put together today than normal, yet he is wearing the same pants as he did last week. Is this planned, is it not planned, how will we know?

What is the Date?
“August 28th. (No descriptor, a sign of his inability to pay attention to anything beyond numbers anymore?)”

What was your favorite album of the last week?
“Probably this album called Gymnastics by the band sneaks. Cool post punk album that came out from Merge. Really exciting because there was some mehhhhhh-alrighty stuff in there.”


Harrison Grinnan: A Profile

written by Ben Conlon on

Ben (Conlon) here, checking in with our MD Harrison. Today Harrison looks refreshed and ready for the year to start. He is wearing a black shirt with a piet mondarrin style image emblazoned on the shirt pocket as well as french jail style pants. He looks well put together but we will see how this continues over the course of the year.

What is the Date?
“August 21st, and it is raining.”

What was your favorite album of the last week?
“Midnight love and the sexual healing sessions by Marvin Gay. Recorded when he was making midnight love / sexual healing, has original tracks as well as alternates, vocal mixes and instrumentals.”


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