Harrison Grinnan: The Beginning of the End
written by Ben Conlon on
Harrison looks more put together today than normal, yet he is wearing the same pants as he did last week. Is this planned, is it not planned, how will we know?
What is the Date?
“August 28th. (No descriptor, a sign of his inability to pay attention to anything beyond numbers anymore?)”
What was your favorite album of the last week?
“Probably this album called Gymnastics by the band sneaks. Cool post punk album that came out from Merge. Really exciting because there was some mehhhhhh-alrighty stuff in there.”
Enjoyment of life scale of 1-10?
“7. (down from last week). Pretty busy but this job is difficult. Good week overall.”
How do you feel about music this week?
“Pretty good, young thug just ended Gender. Angel olsen just came out (I got it, none of you plebeian non MD)s. I’m going to add 5 CD’s to rotation today so It will be a good time.”
Are you Going to watch the VMA’s tonight?
“Nope, no time.”
Are you going to live tweet it?
“No, I’m not much a tweeting guy, I have 18 tweets which my 23 followers LOVE.”
So far so good people, he hasn't cracked yet but if he keeps wearing the same clothes we may need someone to dress him in the mornings. Until next week!