Playlist Archive

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Time Artist Track Album
Stephen Becker The Answer Middle Child Syndrome
U2 One Tree Hill The Joshua Tree
Flipturn Inner Wave Burnout Days
Slippers Nice Weather So You Like Slippers?
Applesauce Tears Faded and Braided Balcony Confidential
Deep Sea Diver Billboard Heart Billboard Heart
Franz Ferdinand Everydaydreamer The Human Fear
Jane's Addiction Up The Beach Nothing's Shocking
Fleetwood Mac Black Magic Woman The Pious Bird of Good Omen
Sugarloaf Green-Eyed Lady Sugarloaf
Simon and Garfunkel The Big Bright Green Pleasure Machine Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme
The Doobie Brothers Greenwood Creek The Doobie Brothers
Lake Street Dive Know That I Know Obviously
St. Vincent La Fruta Mas Dulce Todos Nacen Gritando
Anri Stay By Me Timely!!
Al Green Judy Let's Stay Together
Booker T & the MG's Green Onions The Very Best of Booker T & The MG's
Tatsuro Yamashita Your Eyes Big Wave
Stevie Wonder Do Like You Hotter than July