Playlist Archive

Automation /

Time Artist Track Album
Oneohtrix Point Never Freaky Eyes Garden of Delete
骨架的 Wet Dream Lost Memories
Spiral Joy Band Ridgeline Currents Little Sparrow
Negativland 7 Negativland
Nurse With Wound Penis Fruit Loop (Bald and beardless version) An Awkward Pause
Alf Champion Tamquam (Cabizbajo Remix) Primus
Vladislav Delay as Sistol Kotka (FaltyDL Refunk) Remakes (CD 2)
Vektroid Calm Down Neo Cali
Outputmessage Foreign Autonomous
Cassius Eye water 15 again
God Is My Co-Pilot Any # Straight Not
Magnetic Man Fire (feat. Ms Dynamite) Magnetic Man
ESPRIT 空想 Pizza Day Summer Night
Igor Boxx Tank Breslau
Flying Lotus Putty Boy Strut Until The Quiet Comes
Chico Mann Mentirosos Analog Drift
God Is My Co-Pilot We Signify Straight Not
Phil Kline Bachman's Warbler Bang on a Can Live, Vol. 2