Playlist Archive

Why is there an axolotl in my house, and why is it making bananas? /

Time Artist Track Album
Habibi Fairweather Friend Dream Machine
Cheer-Accident Track 29 Introducing Lemon
William Parker & Ellen Christi Ellen and Leaves Floating Cereal Music
Birdsongs Of The Mesozoic Readymen Dancing On A'a
Pride Month Barbies I Don't Wanna All The Girls In The Room Say 'Sorry'
Bardo Pond Dom's Lament On The Ellipse
Diamanda Galas Consecration Plauge Mass
Dren McDonald Physeter Coda Oceanic
J.R.C.G. World i Grim Iconic
Regretski Life Outside Endless Stasis with the Tantilizing Promise of Change
Bizhiki Nashke! Unbound
Fake Fruit Well Song Macho Mistrust
Moon Diagrams Brand New Effie Cemetary Classics