Rick Krajnyak |
Hickory Dickory Dock |
Hickory Dickory Dock |
Jerry Zee |
Coocoracha |
Boogie Woogie Bullfrong |
Sugar Beats |
Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch |
Everybody is a Star |
Rory |
Bubble Bath |
I'm Just a Kid |
Rock n Roll Dad |
PB & J |
Ready to Roll |
Miss Sherri |
Stinky Feet |
Jelly Belly Boogaloo |
Amy Rogell |
Now Freeze |
Balloons |
Sue Schnitzer |
Boo. Cackle. Trick or Treat |
Boo. Cackle. Trick or Treat |
spooky favorites |
if your scary and you know it |
spooky favorites |
Spooky Favorites |
The Green Gremlins |
Spooky Favorites |
Spooky Favorites |
12 Days of Halloween |
Spooky Favorites |
Sue Schnitzer |
Scary Skeleton |
Boo. Cackle. Trick or Treat |
The Singing Dentists |
Say Toothpaste, Somebody! |
Sesame Street Splish Splash Bath Time Fun |
The Toothpaste Factory |
How Do They Get That Toothpaste in the Tube? |
Splish Splash Time Fun |
Steve Roslonek |
On a Flying Guitar |
On a Flying Guitar |
Steve Roslonek |
Banana |
On a Flying Guitar |
Sue Schnitzer |
I Need a Pumpkin |
Boo, Cackle, Trick or Treat Halloween Songs for Children |
Ernie and Bert |
Everybody Wash |
Splish Splash Time Fun |
Sesame Street |
Ninety-Nine-Bats (In My Car Today) |
Sing Along Travel Songs |
Sesame Street |
One Last Bat |
Sing Along Travel Songs |
Trout Fishin In America |
My Hair Had a Party Last Night |
Family Music Party |
Mr. Richards |
Stinkeroo |
Tummy Talk |
Pete Seeger |
Soon as We All Cook Sweet Potatoes |
Song and Play Time |
John Lithgow |
Singin' in the Bathtub |
Singing' in the Bathtub |
Mr. Richards |
Cry Baby |
Tummy Talk |
John Lithgow |
From the Indies to the Andies in His Undies |
Singin in the Bathtub |
Rosenschontz |
Jenny the Bubble Gum Queen |
That's What Little Girls Are Made Of |
Amy Rogell |
Bubblegum |
Come to the Playground |
HunkTBunkTa |
Dem Bones |
Spooky |
Sharon, Lois, & Bram |
Peanut Butter & Jelly |
Great Big Hits |
Sharon, Lois, & Bram |
Icky Lollipop |
Silly Songs |
HunkTBunkTa |
Hobnobbin with a Goblin |
Hunk-Ta-Bunk-Ta SPOOKY |
HunkTBunkTa |
The Giant Pumpkin |
Hunk-Ta-Bunk-Ta SPOOKY |
Trout Fishing in America |
The Goops |
It's A Puzzle |
Rick Krajnyak |
Hickory Dickory Dock |
Hickory Dickory Dock |