Playlist Archive

The rug boys /

Time Artist Track Album
John Coltrane syeeda's song flute giant steps
Alice Coltrane blue nile ptah, the el daoud
pharoah sanders red, black & green thembi
John Coltrane india impressions
Duke Ellington ad lib on nippon the far east suite
Duke Ellington money jungle money jungle
Charles Mingus haitain fight song the clown
Miles Davis solea sketches of spain
Charlie Parker a night in tunisia bird at the roost
Sun Ra myth versus reality/angelic proclamation/out in space it's after the end of the world
Ted Curson lsd, take a holiday snake johnson
Tatsuya Nakatani (track 1) Gong
pelt empty bell ringing in the sky rob's choice
nathan bowles beans a bottle, a buckeye
nathan bowles sleepy lake bike club nansemond