Playlist Archive


Time Artist Track Album
Pain Jabberjaw Jabberjaw
Gogol Bordello Start Wearing Purple Gypsy Punks: Underdog World Strike
Bad Brains Let There be Angels (Just Like You) Build a Nation
Bad Religion SInister Rouge The Empire Strikes First
Green Day Green Day 1,039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours
Cake Guitar Man Pressure Chief
I Fight Dragons The Faster the Treadmill... Cool is Just a Number
So Many Dynamos Oh, The Devastation! The Loud Wars
The Aquabats! Chemical Bomb Vs. The Floating Eye of Death
Beat Crusaders All I Want Is You All You Can Eat
Selby Tigers Droid Charm City
Anti-Flag Turncoat The Terror State
Toast Machine The Carpal Tunnel Song Rock Wattage
The Champs Fozzy Goes to Africa VI
Crime in Choir Strong Beautiful Suspicious Horse The Hoop
Minor Threat Look Back And Laugh Complete Discography
Minor Threat Minor Threat Complete Discography
Big D and the Kids Table Shining On Strictly Rude
Nirvana Mr. Moustache Bleach
Anti-Flag She's My Little Go Go Dancer Die For the Government
Polysics Urge On!! Neu
The Mars Volta Ouroborous The Bedlam in Goliath
Tera Melos Melody 4 Tera Melos
This Town Needs Guns Badger Animals
Trans Am Climbing Up The Ladder Sex Change
ahleuchatistas red-coated emergency exit even in the midst...
NOFX The Decline The Decline