Current PSAs
Interested in submitting your own PSA? Please visit our Public Service Announcements page located on the sidebar.
WUVT (001)
WUVT would like to remind you not to drink and drive. It doesn’t matter if you’ve had one drink or ten. It doesn’t matter if you’re driving a hundred miles or just around the corner. Alcohol impairs your hand-eye coordination, and operating a motor vehicle while under its influence can be fatal to you, or somebody else. Do yourself a favor: If you think you might be drunk– you are, and shouldn’t be driving.
Red Cross (002)
Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs blood. You can do your part to help by giving blood at your local Red Cross Blood Drive. Just one donation can help save more than one person in need. You can visit to find a blood drive near you.
Raft Crisis Hotline (007)
Need to talk? Raft Crisis Hotline offers 24/7 empathy and support. Whether you’re in a crisis situation or if you want to talk about your stressful day, trained volunteers are ready to listen. Call (540) 961- 8400 to speak with someone who cares.
Invasive Firewood (124)
To you, it’s just a piece of firewood, but to invasive insects, it’s a ticket to their next meal. Moving firewood long distances is dangerous for the forest wildlife. Fortunately, stopping these forest killing freeloaders is simple. Buying your firewood near where you’ll burn it, or gathering wood at your campsite if it’s allowed reduces the spread of invasive species. To learn more, you can visit
Website Submissions (222)
WUVT is now accepting submissions for content to be posted at our website at We're looking for music reviews, literature, and pretty much anything you think is cool enough to be on our website! If you're interested, you can email our webmaster, Amir, at with submissions or questions. We look forward to seeing your submissions!
Alcoholics Anonymous (707)
Do you find yourself drinking on days where you planned not to? Have you ever wondered if you have a drinking problem? If so, you’re not alone; there are plenty of others just like you that can help. You can attend an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting every night at 7:30PM, at 203 East Roanoke Street, Blacksburg, Virginia, a safe place for recovery.
WUVT Needs PSAs! (772)
Are you part of a non-profit looking to announce something on our airwaves? If you would like to submit a public service announcement to be read on-air, WUVT invites you to visit our website, and navigate to the "Public Service Announcements" tab to submit a PSA. If you have any questions about this process, feel free to email our Public Relations Director Eve Vo at
EMCVT (325)
Have you heard of EMCVT, also known as the Educational Media Company at Virginia Tech? Well, now you have! EMCVT is WUVT's parent organization and also manages Silhouette, the Collegiate Times, and VTTV, which are all student-run media programs at Tech. If you'd like to learn more about EMCVT, head to our website at, and navigate to the "EMCVT" tab!
Silhouette (109)
Do you attend or work at Virginia Tech or New River Community College? Do you live in Montgomery County? Then you can submit your work in art, photography, poetry, and prose to Silhouette Literary and Art Magazine for our inaugural issue of the community mag! Submissions close on February 21st. Submit at!
VT Integrated Security Education (781)
This message is from Virginia Tech's Integrated Security Education and Research Center. They are hosting a Career Readiness Event for neurodivergent talent in cybersecurity in the DMV area. Any year, any major! Connect with mentors and organizations in the field. It’s 8 hours of pre-event prep. Learn more and reach out to if you're interested in this is an amazing opportunity!
YMCA (791)
Come join the YMCA for their March Contra Dance on Saturday, March 15th. They will have awesome live music by Shawn Brenneman and Jim Morrison and calling by Bill Wellington! The lesson starts at 7pm and dance begins at 7:30 in the dance hall at the YMCA Thrift Store building at 1000 N Main St. All dances are taught. No partner needed. Beginners encouraged! More info at
Radio Spectrum (901)
Are you sick and tired of not knowing what's going on? Do you want to know more about the foundations of modern society AKA wireless communications? Do you not care about that but want to play with electronics and gadgets? The radio spectrum is the VT amateur radio association's playground! They have meetings every Thursday at 7 pm in Squires. Contact for more information.
Student Senate (729)
Run for the Undergraduate Student Senate! Applications are open on Gobbler Connect from February 3rd to March 2nd. Apply for the chance to represent the Undergraduate Student Body and make a difference on Virginia Tech's campus!
Invasive Species Open House (603)
What do English ivy, spotted lantern flies, and Callery pears have in common? They are all invasive species! Learn why invasives are important, how to identify and report them, and become empowered to help prevent and slow their spread at the Invasive Species open house on the 2nd floor of Newman Library, February 25th from 2 to 3 pm.
Bike Hub (128)
Do you have a bicycle that needs some TLC? The Hokie Bike Hub is your go-to spot for all things bike-related! The Bike Hub offers access tools and resources for self–service bike repair, as well as workshops and one-on-one sessions with staff. It also functions as a social space for connecting with fellow cyclists!
CS Squared Club (391)
Do you need help with technology? The CS Squared Club at Virginia Tech is here for you! Join them for Tech Help Sessions every Friday from 4 PM to 5 PM at the Blacksburg Community Center in the senior social room. Bring questions about any phones, computers, or tech issues - they are happy to help!