Premiums are in!

written by Ben Conlon on

radioactive man

ron at the water cooler

If you pledged during our Spring 2015 Radiothon, your premiums are now in the office ready for pickup. Premiums will be mailed over the next several weeks for those who opted to have items shipped.


written by WUVT on

It's the most wonderful time of the year, WUVT's RADIOTHON IS HERE!!

Radiothon poster That's right, your favorite party of the year starts right now! Radiothon is back and better than ever this Monday, March 30th through Sunday, April 5th, and you're invited to help us celebrate our Big Six Seven.

This semester, we're ramping up WUVT's Presidential Campaign, because let's be honest: who would you rather have running the country? Some well-dressed ol' guy or gal who'll lie to you through gritted teeth? Or the World's Greatest Radio Station that transmits The Truth straight to your earholes at 90.7 megahertz?

Like Kennedy in his Inaugural Address in '61, WUVT comes to you with a simple plea: help us help you.

Last semester, we faced a pressing and grave threat to our transmitability, a problem we couldn't solve on our own. With your support, WUVT saw the most successful Radiothon in its history. This week, the HVAC contractor will be surveying our little shack on Price Mountain, and the new units will be fully installed and operational in the coming weeks. Without you, we'd be in for a long, hot summer. We can never thank you enough for your donations.

Since the fall, our IT team has been hard at work rebuilding the station's digital infrastructure from the ground up, including a scripted automation program, a new track-logging system, an auto-recording show archive, and, most visibly, a much-improved website.

But we aren't planning to stop there. WUVT's growing at a faster pace than ever before and has big plans, so we need your help to keep the momentum going.

Archived Shows Now on Internet Archive

written by admin on

Internet Archive WUVT-FM collection

Missed a show?

WUVT's entire collection of airchecks is now available online on the Internet Archive. Over 41,000 hours of audio (and counting!) are publicly available for streaming and download in just about any format imaginable.

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