Spring 2019 Premiums Ready for Pickup

written by Stephen Moxley on

The Spring 2019 premiums have finally arrived in the station!

If you marked "pickup" on the donation form, you can swing by to grab them now. If you marked "ship," we will be sending out the packages this week. See our contact page for a list of times when you can drop by and grab your goodies.

And in case you missed it, click "Read more..." below to check out our thank you video to all our donors.

If you've got any questions, email business@wuvt.vt.edu, and thanks again for donating! We all appreciate it so, so much. With your help, we've made huge progress on our boards project, and the end is finally in sight. As always, stay tuned to the Greatest Radio Station in the World, WUVT-FM 90.7 Blacksburg!

Radiothon Premiums Spring 2019

written by Stephen Moxley on

Hello friends! Radiothon is just around the corner! We have a wonderful selection of premiums that you can get by donating to WUVT this year, so look them over and see what looks interesting!

Spring 2019 Radiothon Premiums

For more info about these premiums, visit wuvt.vt.edu/premiums. Happy Radiothon!

Spring 2019 Goings-On

written by Josh Foelsch on

The beginning of a new semester means big things for WUVT-FM! Here is a quick update to keep everyone in the know.

Fall 2018 Radiothon T-Shirts Available for Pickup!

written by Collin Caywood on

Attention Radio Listeners!

The coveted t-shirt from this past Radiothon has landed in the station! If you pledged $65 or more and chose to receive premiums, you are e l i g i b l e to come pick this up (graphic shown above).

Come on out to Squires Student Center room 350 to pick up your goods! Remember, there is NO better fashion statement than wearing merchandise from your favorite station, WUVT 90.7 FM

WUVT Merch Store Open Now!

written by Stephen Moxley on


The official WUVT merch store is now open! From now on, WUVT fans don't have to wait until a Radiothon to get t-shirts, hoodies, or stickers with the best radio station merch in the world! For now, we've got two designs to choose from, but more are on the way! Visit now at https://www.redbubble.com/people/wuvt-fm. For more info, email business@wuvt.vt.edu.

...and stay tuned for some exciting updates about our premiums for this semester's Radiothon!

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