WUVT Fall Orgy 2017

written by Emmet Hobgood on

WUVT Fall 2017 Orgy Poster

It's time. The one-and-only, legendary WUVT Orgy is near! That's right, radio folks, our semesterly organizational meeting will take place Wednesday, September 20th at 7PM in Squires Student Center, in room Brush Mountain A. Everyone is welcome to attend to hear our staffheads talk about why WUVT is the best (and how they had no friends before joining WUVT, as is tradition). Old faces and new friends alike will find something to love about the event, and help share the love of college radio.

There will also be a post-Orgy acoustic show and CD swap at John's Camera Corner afterwards! Bring a friend and a mix CD to discover new music and listen to some chill jams from a variety of local musicians. You can find more information on the Facebook event page at this link!