Valentines Day Show Review
written by Amir Lahoud on
WUVT recently hosted a house show the day after Valentines day with a sweeping turnout. The place was absolutely packed with people anticipating the three bands Velvet Colored Glasses, Attack Dog, and Unmarked Pavement.
The first band was Velvet Colored Glasses, which got the crowed hyped with classic house-show songs like Ain't it Fun and Isn't She Lovely. Despite the packed room, everyone was really moving with the music. The band had long instrumental segments to highlight solos, but most notably the saxophone solo that was during Isn’t She Lovely. The vocalist of the band also executed the songs beautifully and was so fun to listen to. The pink neon lights and the jam-packed room highlighted the band’s enthralling performance.
The second band to perform was Attack Dog, who came to Blacksburg all the way from Philadelphia to put on such an exciting performance. For almost the entirety of their set, all members were dancing and jumping up and down; Their whimsical energy was fantastic at engaging the audience. The room was still packed with people head banging to the band’s songs. The music was especially loud and bounced off of the walls of the tightly packed room. The super-skilled drummer and guitarist filled the room with their amazing sound. The main singer put on an exceptional performance with vocals that I thought were similar to the midwestern emo band, The Brave Little Abacus. Overall, they put on a super high-energy show.
The last band was Unmarked Pavement, whose performance kept the room packed despite being the last performance of the night. The band played a wide range of music, from Party in the USA to Twin Size Mattress to In the Aeroplane Over the Sea (my personal favorite), and even the Scooby Doo theme song. My favorite part of their lineup has to be the trumpeteer. The music moved the intense crowd to maintain energy and start a mosh pit. The classic song choices had everyone singing the lyrics along with the incredible vocalists. Unmarked Pavement’s stage presence helped to put on an awesome closing show.
We hosted a great show, this time around, and those of you who didn't come missed out on a killer performance! I, for one, can't wait to attend the next show WUVT hosts.
*Thanks for checking us out! If you're interested in submitting anything to our website, email our Webmaster Amir Lahoud. Photography by Jer Segarra and Ben Janusz