Staff Head Spotlight: Shanice Aga

written by Marc Secrist on


Ryan: How has WUVT impacted your experience at Tech?
Shanice: It gave me a platform to do things I really enjoyed in a time of my life in which I was an idiot and lots of things happened that weren’t fun or good. Definitely helped me meet people, and nowadays it’s just pretty cool that I can make art for a thing a lot of people care about.
R: How have your musical tastes changed since joining WUVT?
S: Not too too much, I think I’m much more aware of a sort of timeline in music, the history and industry of it but most of my favorite artists and songs now are the same as they were in high school, even middle school. I guess I got blessed with having young parents that got me started early. Good hip hop and R&B from my mom’s side and heavier guitar music from my dad, a good foundation for music exploration. WUVT just became a better source for finding new music than the web, and I got spared from sifting through other people’s opinions and comments on things.
R: Top 3 favorite bands/albums?
S: Man, this changes a lot and varies by style and what you mean by tops but I’ll do my best…. This is a, sort of, top 3 I always go back to:
Yuck - “s/t”
Bardo Pond – “s/t”
MF DOOM – “NehruvianDOOM”
R: Artist you'd most like to see live?
S: Billie Holiday but that’s never gonna happen, I guess alive right now, hmm Ween.
R: If you could trade places with a staff member, who would it be and why?
S: Mari, because I trust her to take care of my body while we’re switched and dress me nice.
R: What's your default dance move?
S: Hiding.
R: If you could only listen to one song for rest of your life, what would it be?
S: Might as well be Beethoven's 9th.
R: Does anyone ever mention the "I Love Your Smile" song by the R&B singer Shanice to you?
S: Well she is who I was named after haha, the moms had me when she was 19-ish, and Shanice was her favorite artist at the time, but no one other than her has ever really said anything about that song or artist to me, I usually have to tell people when they ask what my name means, and I’m like listen it’s just “urban”, then go into ‘the story of how I came to be.'
R: What would the 14 year old you say about your current musical tastes?
S: 14 year old me was into a lot of the stuff I still am into. 14 year old me however, would comment on how much more softer and older music I listen to and be like “jazz is so lame, what a drag” and me right now would be like “damn you look good and have great taste you must be right.”
R: What is a better "jump" themed song: "Jump Around" - House of Pain, "Jump" - Van Halen, "Jump" - Kriss Kross?
S: Kriss Kross – tho. Amazing. Also the moms used to burst into songs like this and do small booty shaking dances with me when I was small.
R: What was your first concert and how old were you?
S: Uhhhh hmm the first one I remember well and went to on my own was Andrew Jackson Jihad my sophomore year of high school, but I’ve been to at least 2 or 3 before that with either my mom or dad, but for stuff they like. Foo Fighters I think may have been my first big one when I was 10 or so, went to the after party for a bit too with my mom and her friends who know the band.