Radiothon Premiums!! Fall 2017

written by Emmet Hobgood on

Premiums List

The moment is here. The staff at WUVT are pleased to bring you the premiums for this semester's Radiothon! With designs whipped up by our very own art staff, these premiums will have you lookin' good and reppin' your favorite radio station wherever you go!

All donors will receive premiums for their donation level as well as all levels below. We hope you donate to help us out in our goal marching towards $70k, and get some sick fanny packs in the process.

$5 Sticker - The ever popular sticker returns back to its circle design. This sticker will show your love of both college radio and proper dental hygiene!

$20 Magnet - WUVT has upgraded a bit since the olden days, when we transmitted primarily through a string attached to plastic cups, but we still honor our history.

$35 Fanny Pack - All I'm going to say is that Officer Tarter pretty much squealed with delight when he learned we were doing fanny packs.

$65 T-Shirt - A t-shirt. It's cool. It has clouds on it. What else do you need?

$125 Zip-Up Hoodie - Blast off into the future with WUVT!....or something. I'm not good at catchphrases, but what I am good at is recognizing really cool logos with rocket ships on them.

$500 Stay at the Inn at Virginia Tech - As usual, five hundred dollars will get you a one-night stay at the Inn at Virginia Tech for two! It's a lovely place, and a great way to spend a night for a football game or your favorite street festival.

$907 Battle Jacket - The Big One this year is a custom designed and made Battle Jacket. The fashion mainstay of punk and metal and DIY scenes has made its way to our premiums, and donating to this tier will get you your very own! The staff here at the station will deck it out to your specifications with pins and patches and WUVT logos and embroidery to make sure that you look as bada** as you can when you're in the mosh pit (or just buying organic kale from the grocery store, whatever floats your boat).