Radiothon Premiums Spring 2018!

written by Stephen Moxley on

Premiums List

Hello! Our wonderful list of premiums is ready for your viewing pleasure! These items have been developed by our fantastic art staff, and are made with love just for you.

All donors will receive premiums for their donation level as well as all levels below. We hope you can donate to help us out in our goal marching towards $70k and appreciate your continuing support.

$5: Sticker - The semesterly circle sticker returns! Complete your collection -- or start a new one -- with this hot item!

$20: Bottle Opener - When you're kicking back on a Friday night, watching House or whatever and you need to pop open one of your icy brewskis, what do you do? Use the WUVT Bottle Opener, of course! 20 bucks gets you a practically infinite number of bottles opened, so act now!

$35: Tote Bag - Our Fanny Packs from last year were a huge hit, so this year we've reincarnated them into tote bags! These are perfect for carrying around all your vinyl and being super stylish at the same time!

$65: T-Shirt - One of our most popular premiums is back again this spring! Put this T-shirt on your body! It depicts the one and only Radioactive Man, our lovely mascot, and there is no better way to represent WUVT around your town.

$125: Blanket - As of writing, it has been snowing pretty heavily here in Blacksburg... but it's March!! In the spirit of the never-ending winter we're experiencing here, we're releasing a blanket to keep you warm! Snuggle up in all this woovity goodness, and when spring finally does break, take it outside and have a picnic on it!

$500: Stay at the Inn at Virginia Tech - As usual, five hundred dollars will get you a one-night stay at the Inn at Virginia Tech for two! It's a lovely place, and a great way to spend a night for a football game or your favorite street festival. This spring, we only have ONE of these passes so donate soon!! Our VT Inn pass has been claimed for this year! Thank you all for your continuing support. In place of the Inn Pass, $500 donors will get a WUVT Vintage Premiums Basket.

$907: Custom WUVT On-Air Box - The King Premium this year is a customized WUVT On-Air box! Our On-Air lights are a fixture of the station, and donating $907 lets you bring a piece of WUVT into your home. This replica will be built and customized by our WUVT staff and will show your dedication to The Greatest Radio Station in the World.