Chipotle Percentage Night: Updated

written by Stephen Moxley on

Do you love Chipotle? Are you looking for another way to support the Greatest Radio Station in the World? If so, you're in luck! Come out and support WUVT-FM 90.7 Blacksburg at our Chipotle percentage night! It is on April 29th, from 4 to 8 PM at the Chipotle on North Main Street in Downtown Blacksburg.

To make sure a portion of your sales goes to WUVT-FM, tell the cashier that you're with WUVT or show them the flyer below! Paper copies will also be available at the event, or can be picked up ahead of time from the station in Squires Student Center.

Tell your friends! Tell your friends' friends! And see you soon!

Note: An earlier version of this article included the wrong Chipotle location. The event will be held at the Chipotle on N. Main Street in Downtown Blacksburg

Chipotle flyer